'SYTYCD' Host Cat Deeley: 10 Things You Didn't Know

Oh, Cat Deeley, how we adore you. 

We already know the So You Think You Can Dance hostess is funny, charming, stylish — and self-admittedly goofy. But here are some things you might not have known about the 35-year-old Brit (who's also hosting Fox's new dating show The Choice).

1. She shares a name with a certain Duchess. "My full name is Catherine Elizabeth Deeley and my mother had delusions of grandeur, clearly," she told Afterellen.com. "The same as Katherine Elizabeth Middleton and my mother tells me all the time, 'It could’ve been you!'"

2. She's a huge America's Next Top Model fan. And appeared as a guest judge earlier this year. 

3. She was once romantically linked to Leonardo DiCaprio. But she later dispelled it as a rumor. 

4. She's big on flea markets. She loves "The Rose Bowl or the one on Fairfax and Santa Monica. I go in my pyjamas, not a scrap of make up, get a bucket of cappuccino and hunt for hidden treasure."

5. She suffers from insomnia and functions on less than four hours most nights. And she's still that perky all the time!

6. Her karaoke songs is Carly Simon’s "You’re So Vain." "It’s kind of torch song for all the girls in the audience. It starts off kind of slow and you can almost whisper it a little bit and then really get into it."

7. Her celeb crush growing up was Tom Selleck. "I was six and used to love Magnum PI. Apparently, I'd call him "a lovely man".

8. She can play the clarinet. 

9. She's a statuesque 5'9" (but often 6'2" in her heels!).

10. She's good with her famously crooked nose. "I get a lot more people mentioning it [in America] than they ever did back home, but I’m secure enough in myself not to let it bother me," she told the UK's Daily Mail. "And when you’ve had your dad teasing you endlessly about it, like mine did,’ she laughs, ‘you can deal with anything.’"


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