Alec Baldwin Gets in a Fight with Another Paparazzo? — PIC

Sure he's all sly jokes and GOP smarm on 30 Rock, but Alec Baldwin is quickly turning into Public Enemy # 124,892,341. Well, at least when it comes to the paparazzi. He reportedly got in another altercation with a camera man in front of his apartment in New York Friday. Doesn't he know the more he fights with them, the more interest he is to the paparazzo and the more they'll swarm to him like moths to that creepy blue light thing your Nana has hanging from her porch?

This morning, Baldwain and his fiance, Hilaria Thomas, were leaving their apartment, and Alec reportedly found a parking ticket on his windshield. Sure, that would ruin everyone's day, but it seems he took it out on this camera man and got all up in his grill about something or other. Baldwin's rep has yet to return a request for comment. 

At least Baldwin wasn't as mean as he was 10 days ago when he attacked a New York Daily Newslensman who snapped a shot of Baldwin and Thomas leaving City Hall after reportedly securing their wedding license. Baldwin claims that the photog assaulted him with his camera and he was only fighting back. 

What's he going to say this time? Did the photographer upset his Rainbow Unicorn Pillow Pet? Yes, that is what Alec is holding. Why? Oh, who knows. Maybe he learned to hug his spirit animal close in anger management class and that helps him to keep his hands to himself?

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