Lindsay Lohan Tweets About Being Found Unconscious

If Lindsay Lohan does half as good a job playing Elizabeth Taylorin Liz & Dick as she does getting the new Lifetime movie in the press, her career should be back on track in no time. 

First she made headlines for the car crash in Los Angeles — where she is currently filming the movie — and less than a week later the actress was found unconscious in her hotel room. Lohan, who is already back on set, says she can explain. Naturally. 

According to a post earlier today on her Twitter page, she says, "Note to self… After working 85hours in 4days, and being up all night shooting, be very aware that you might pass out from exhaustion & 7 paramedics MIGHT show up @ your door…. Hopefully theyre cute. Otherwise it would be a real let down."

At least her love of boys is keeping in the spirit of the iconic dramatic actress, who walked down the aisle a headline-grabbing eight times. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

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